Henry Braun

Boisi Professor of Education and Public Policy and Education Research

Director, CSTEEP


Dr. Braun specializes in testing and education policy; large-scale assessment surveys and achievement gaps; value-added modeling; standard setting, higher education outcomes; and college access to STEM teaching and learning. Widely published, Dr. Braun has written books and articles on topics such as: “Data-driven Improvement and Accountability”, “Measuring Improvements in Learning Outcomes: Best Practices to Assess the Value-added of Schools”; “Student Growth Measures in Evaluation: Illusions of Fairness?”, “America’s Perfect Storm: Three Forces Changing our Nation’s Future”, and “Choosing our Future: A Story of Opportunity in America.”

Currently, Dr. Braun is a consultant for the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the College Board, Associate Editor for the Education Policy Analysis Archives and the Journal of Educational Change, and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Partnership for the Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC), which is one of the two multi-state consortia building assessment systems aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Braun is also associate editor of the Journal of Educational Change and Education Policy Analysis Archives.

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